810: Midtown East August 18th 2010 - New York, New York 4 p.m. start Home - Office Investigators: Dom Reports: Former occupant appears to be haunting current occupant. Results: Past feeling about the office sparked a haunted tale. Analyzing data: Audio, video and photos. Office Back Front
EMF Fluctuation: from 2 - 2 1/2 Temperature - In: 78º Out: 81º Temp Fluctuation: within 0º (from º to º) Radiation - 0 Humidity : In: 30% Out: 43% Humidity in Fluctuation: 0 Winds Out: 7 MPH SSE Precip Chance : 20% Dewpoint = IN: 55.2º Out: 59º Reference Air Density in= 97% Barometric Pressure : 29.89" ( 1012 mb) Barometric Fluctuation: .01" (.3 mb) Weather : Cloudy - High 82º Low near 69º Moon Phase : Waxing Gibbous 69% Geomagnetic Storms : None Latest Alert: Aug 18 1425 UTC CANCELLATION: Proton 10MeV Integral Flux above 10pfu expected Planetary K - Index = Kp=1 24Hr Kp =2 Solar X-Rays: Active X - Ray Solar Flares Max: 24hr =B6 Current = C4 Sunspot Number : 26 Solar Radiation : None Solar Winds: Speed - 367.9 km/sec Density - 3.9 protons/cm Sunrise/Sunset: 6:09 a.m. / 7:49 p.m. LST : 3:41 P.M. to 4:41 P.M. Ideal Time Photos : Dom - Clear Audio : Clear Video/Audio: Clear DVR : N/A Case Remains: Closed |