Representatives of all 50 States
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Alabama -

Alaska - Deana Beard - Alaska Paranormal Research
Opinion: I am founder of Alaska Paranormal Research in Anchorage Alaska. Our team has been on a number of investigations in and out of our state.I have been into paranormal investigation for about 10 yearsand have alot of knowledge on the subject.I am also eager to learn from others and there experiences. I am definitly wanting to be a part of a network with the same mission that I am on.Finding answers.We are currently setting up our website but you can still check it out.

Arkansas -

Arizona - Frank Madrid - The Arizona Paranormal Society
The Arizona Paranormal Society is an Arizona based paranormal investigation organization. As paranormal investigators we are committed to authenticating evidence and documenting the existence of paranormal activity through audio, video, and other electronic means of equipment. By using current high-tech scientific equipment we are able to conduct extensive scientific investigations which allows us to interpret the evidence collected, and present all of the evidence to the client in the hopes of creating a better understanding of the current activity and possible options to be taken. We do not attempt to "prove" a haunting. We are here to conduct an investigation where we look at all aspects of reported activity and client observations to come up with the most reasonable explanation. I have been interested in the study of the paranormal for 39 years now and have had many personal experiences since my childhood. We enter into all investigations with the general idea in mind that, we are looking for the truth behind what makes up the Paranormal.

California - Micheal - Los Angeles Paranormal Research Group
The Los Angeles Paranormal Research Group consists of a set of individuals who possess wide-ranging skills in the fields of paranormal research and investigation. Our main focus of research and investigation is on apparitions, hauntings, poltergeist activity, and related paranormal phenomena.We employ extensive research and investigative protocols and ensure that any judgments, opinions, conclusions, and so forth are scientificaly tested and ruled out before arriving at any paranormal conclusions or assumptions. Our group consists of various types of talent, including some who possess master's degrees, some who are technically skilled and educated, as well as some who are psychically gifted.We do not charge for performing paranormal investigations and yet we strive to provide our clients with the highest possible quality and professional level of service and expertise. Our extensive set of skills, equipment, and resources help us to provide such a level of service and expertise.

Colorado -

Connecticut - Audrey Elder - Connecticut Paranormal Research Society
It is the mission of the Connecticut Paranormal Research Society to offer education and assistance to those experiencing paranormal disturbances and to present to the world the simple truth regarding facts and evidence of paranormal activity obtained through skillful scientific investigation and tireless research and documentation. Although based in Connecticut, the CPRS team proudly serves, but is not limited to, the entire New England area. In fact, the team regularly welcomes and entertains input and inquiries from around the entire world.

Delaware -

South Florida - Bill Metz - Paranormal Awareness Society in South Florida
We are a paranormal investigations team in South Florida, that not only believes in investigating but in totally helping clients through education and awareness of the paranormal field. We strive to give all paranormal investigators that are serious and professional a good name in the field. I am educated and certified as a paranormal investigator, as well as a paranormal talk show host. We conduct numerous lectures on the paranormal to help increase public awareness. We are also the South Florida/Keys rep for the American Ghost Society. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly by e-mail or you may call us at (305)-491-3603 anytime.

Georgia - Harold Berryman - Haunt Analyst Ghost Hunters
Opinion: Haunt Analyst paranormal researchers have extensive experience Investigating Paranormal activity,we have proved and disproved paranormal activity of business's as well as homes throughout Georgia,Tennessee, and Florida! We do not perform seances, nor do we use ouija. What we do with clients consent is use audio and video recorders and cameras to capture Paranormal activity. The data which is captured on film and recorded is researched to determine if the events can be explained or if we feel it to be paranormal. All events recorded will be shared with and given to client after the investigation.

Hawaii -
Preston Galera - Hawaiian Island Ghost Hunters
To date, as Hawaiian Island Ghost Hunters, we have conducted ten (10) investigations. We've been able to debunk many claims, but we've also been left with a lot of unexplainable phenomena. We've been actively searching for a credible source to send our findings to so we can help to build up a database of research findings. We are very meticulous in our investigations and reviews and only present evidence that is truly "unexplainable." Our main goal during our investigations is to find logical explanations to our client's claims. By doing so, we can provide more credibility to our findings that are unexplainable or paranormal in nature. Though we have so much personal experiences that drove us to find answers, we go into each investigation with a neutral point of view.

Idaho -
Rob Neff - The Idaho Paranormal Society
Opinion: My name is Rob I am the founder of The Idaho Paranormal Society. I am a AGS member and also the AGS Area Rep for the state of Idaho. We are scientific researchers interested in terrestrial paranormal phenomenon.

Illinois - Troy Taylor - Ghosts of the Prairie
Opinion: Anyone who studies the paranormal is familiar with Troy taylor's Ghosts of the Praire and the American Ghost Society. For years Troy has been teaching and writing books on his experiences. He is highly respected and has helped bring a new generation into ghost hunting and paranormal investigation.

Indiana -
Kurt Richardson – The Indiana Paranormal Society
Opinion: Hi I am Kurt Richardson the Director of the Indiana Paranormal Society. I have been interested in the paranormal for 10-15 years now and we recently formed our own group here in the South Bend, IN area with additional chapters located all through Indiana. We are looking for scientific evidence of the paranormal. We are a non-profit group that is open to the public and we are willing to teach anyone who wants to learn how to ghost hunt. We are dedicate to educating the general public on what we do and we are very active in the community. We believe in giving back to the community and helping out with various community services.

Iowa -

Kansas - Hugh McLenaghan - Ghost Investigators
Opinion: Our quest is to seek out, allegedly haunted locations, authenticate evidence of ghosts, research ghost stories, sightings and conduct investigations into paranormal activity. We are located in the Kansas City Metro area. We do not charge a fee for our services, but we do accept donations to help pay for our batteries, film processing, tapes, etc. We are not "Ghost Busters" and we do not claim to be experts in the paranormal, as no experts exist when it comes to the supernatural, no matter what anyone may claim or who may claim to be one.

Kentucky -

Louisiana -

Maine - Lisa Barrieault -
Maine Ghost Hunters Society
We are a small group of paranormal investigators centrally located in the state of Maine. If you feel your house or business may be haunted contact us today to set up an investigation. Our group has first hand experience living in an actively haunted house. We know what it is to be afraid and to feel alone in this situation...that's why our group was founded, to help others in the same situation. Contact us today even if it's just to talk about your situation.

Massachusetts -

Maryland -

Michigan - Samantha Harris - Michigan Paranormal Research Association
We are an association committed to conducting ourselves as profressionals and to maintain a scientific outlook on research. We are always looking for new members and investigators. Personal cases, research and help are available upon request if needed. We'll be posting pictures, videos, and personal stories to share! Also, we'll list some of the best websites, links, and shows to check out! Don't believe in the occult? That's fine! Feel free to look around the site and drop a line. Just remember to be respectful of each other.

Minnesota - Melodie Powell - Midnite Walkers Paranormal Research Society
Paranormal Investigator and founder of MidNite Walkers Ghost Hunters - Melodie Powell founded MidNite Walkers Paranormal Research Society in 2002 after doing 6 years of research of life after death. Melodie does not claim to be an expert or a professional ghost Hunter but she does claim that she will help anyone that wants help with a hauntings best she can.

Mississippi -

Missouri - Debbie Forrester -
James River Ghost Tracker of Southwest Missouri
Opinion - I am the founder of James River Ghost Tracker of Southwest Missouri. I am a affilliate of Ghost Tracker of North Florida. Why am I a paranormal investigator? I have always had a curiousity about ghosts, and have had a few personal experinces. I have formed my own team of people with the same interest and curiousity about the paranormal. We have investigated around 6 cases, and have gathered some interesting data.

Kansas City,Missouri - Becky Ray -
American Ghost Society Area Representative & Paranormal Activity Investigators
Opinion -
I have been actively studying the paranormal for over 20 years. I am also a member of the American Association of Electronic Voice Phenomena and the Rhine Research Center. I like to think of myself as a skeptic, in that I have an open mind. I do not go into an investigation with any preset ideas of what I may or may not find. Of course I'd love to be able to authenticate all rumored hauntings and ghost lore, but that just isn't realistic. At the same time, just because I did not witness or have any findings of paranormal activity in a location, I accept that others may have experienced something.

Montana -

Nebraska - Sarah Vanderworker - V.T.P.R.
We are a small group of researchers and investigators interested in paranormal phenomenon. We study paranormal occurrences and try to help others understand what is happening. Our goal is to unite individuals with a scientific understanding of such phenomena, wherein together we may illuminate the truth on this subject. We research old and new phenomena and investigate with and open mind and a rational logic.

Nevada -
Scott Truelove - Ghost Posse
We are Ghost Posse, a professional non profit Paranormal Investigative Group, based out of Reno, Nevada. We take our work very seriously, and we strive to bring you the best evidence possible. We never make up false statements or fake evidence. All evidence we bring to you, is 100% legitimate, and is never faked, stolen, altered, or published without permission. We use infrared and digital cameras, digital voice recorders, infrared temperature sensors, Frank's Boxes, 35mm film, and various other equipment. We stick to an ethecal code of honor to never sell out, to always be truthful in the gathering and distribution of evidence, to maintain the trust of the paranormal community, and to judge all evidence dispassionately for the benefit of science and mankind. Our mission is to bring legetimate evidence to the world, to educate all who are interested in the field, and to proove to all, that the spirit world does exist. At Ghost Posse, you can be assured that anything we find, will meet these standards, and that every member of our team follows these guidelines. We are not interested in money or fame. We are interested in the truth, and we go the extra mile to make sure that you have it!

New Hampshire - Katie Boyde - Ghost Quest Paranormal Research Society
We are from Manchester, NH and have been helping clients and spirits for over seven years now. Ghost Quest is made up of three talented women who two are Psychic Mediums and another is a Demonologist with nineteen years experience in the field of Demonology and Paranormal. Ghost Quest also has a local television show in Manchester, NH and other towns. Also a hot selling book called "Ghost Quest In New Hampshire. We have been on many, many talk radio shows and do lectures and educate people about paranormal and spirits and so on.

North New Jersey - Mark Johnson - North Jersey Paranormal Research
Opinion -
We are a group of investigators working throughout Northern New Jersey who specialize in researching hauntings and other paranormal phenomenon in the tri-state area (New Jersey, New York & Pennsylvania). Our investigators have years of experience working with other research groups in the area, and have now come together to form an extremely knowledgeable and professional group of people dedicated to increasing our knowledge of the unknown.

South New Jersey - Susan Bove' - South Jersey Paranormal Research
Opinion: Many of the members of SJPR have years of experience gathering scientific data to provide evidence of spirit activity, some having joined SJPR from other paranormal investigative groups. Amongst our members are health care professionals, secretaries, homemakers, education administrators, realtors, college professors, graphic artists, computer experts, journalists and law enforcement officials, just to name a few.

New Mexico -

New York City - Dominick Villella - Paranormal Investigation of NYC
Opinion: Many things exist that man has no explanation for. I believe that we can all find proof of paranormal activity and prove to science once and for all that there is more out there. I run Paranormal Investigation of NYC, I am the organizer for the Paranormal Meetup group in NYC, and I am the founding member of The American Association of Paranormal Research. I am certified in Parapsychology, Paranormal Investigation, EVP Technician and UFO investigation. I am also the American Ghost Society Representative for New York.
I am also a Clinical Hypnotherapist and I am working towards a Psychology B.S. & have been studying the Paranormal / Parapsychology for over 8 years and have investigated dozens of haunted places.  We also conduct Parapsychology research. I look forward to the day that 50 teams can be working together on the same goal. My team investigates the entire NYC area.

New York State
Rochester/Buffalo Area - Tim Davis -
Center for Paranormal Investigation Association
Our group conducts scientific paranormal investigations in and around New York State and has been doing so since late 2001 and was established in 2002 as a paranormal research group. If you would like more information on our group to consider our membership, please visit our website or call me at (585) 576-4759

North Carolina -

North Dakota -

Ohio -
Brenda Shupe - Ghost Hunters Ohio Search Team
Our group investigates alleged hauntings at residences and businesses in central Ohio and the surrounding areas. We do not charge for investigations. Each of our members have had personal experiences that sparked our interest in the paranormal. We are serious ghost hunters and are always open to learning and gaining knowledge. We are especially interested in evps.

Oklahoma -

Oregon -

Pennsylvania - Paula Kalb - Three Rivers Paranormal Society
Team members have been envolved in the paranormal their entire lives. Several members have been doing paranormal research on established teams for nearly 10 years (both scientific and psychic). We have a science team and a psychic team, follow protocols, use scientific methods . We are constantly looking for ways to better ourselves and contribute to the paranormal field and we strive for unity in the paranormal community.

Rhode Island -

South Carolina -

South Dakota -

Tennessee - Jenna Rose -
National Paranormal Research Nashville
We are experienced Paranormal and Metaphysical Phenomena Researchers in the Nashville and surrounding areas. NPR Nashville Investigates and researches all aspects and realms of Paranormal, Parapsychology, Metaphysical, and Natural Manifestations and Phenomena locally. Our staff has several Traditional and Non-Traditional Degrees, Licenses and Certifications which qualify us not only as investigators but also in many areas of additional support to our clients. Our goal is not only to assist and help our clients but to take this field of interest from a pseudo-science to a respected field of study and research utilizing scientific methods and theory towards the eventual goal of factual proof. If you have a situation, problem or manifestation you would like investigated please do not hesitate to call. (615)535-2898
NPRNashville@hotmail .com

Texas - Trisha DuBois - Boo Busting Babes
The Boo Busting Babes are a paranormal research group specializing in Ghost Haunting. The Babes are a partnership of two friends who have bonded together with others who have interest in the paranormal. This diverse group forms a Unique Paranormal Research Team. The team is Located in Houston Texas and they investigate a variety of paranormal activity. Their investigation techniques are based on intuitive abilities and the scientific theory, keeping a healthy balance between psychic ability and scientific logic. or

Utah -

Vermont -

Virginia -

Washington -
Lynda Cheldelin Fell - Ghost Movers of the Pacific Northwest
Ghost Movers of the Pacific Northwest is a small group of psychically gifted individuals who have chosen to use their gifts to assist ghosts who are "stuck."  We also work to support scientific evidence as a way of validating the existence of ghosts.  Our group goals include (1) bringing peace to both the ghost and the homeowner, and (2) to help scientifically document the evidence of ghosts.

West Virginia - Stephanie Deskins - Deskins Investigations
One of the very few investigative teams in Southern WV (most are located in the North). We have appropriate equipment and knowledge as well as a Spirit Medium on our team. We also have qualified people on our team with knowledge and skills to rid unwanted paranormal activity from the vicinity upon the owners request. Also investigate houses and cemeteries with owners permission (paperwork and forms must be filled out before we investigate).We're also members of WV Ghost Hunters, International Ghost Hunter Society and International Paranormal Investigators.

South Wisconsin - Amy Tomlin - Voices Through The Static
As a child, Amy would search for any books at her local and school libraries that pertained to the paranormal, hoping to find anything that would captivate her. She looked forward to Saturdays - for Leonard Nimoy's 'In Search Of', one of the first television series dedicated to the supernatural. Amy admits that the show was quite frightening for a young child but that as she grew older, that fright turned to fascination and she became even more drawn to the unknown - she wanted to learn the truth behind the tales.
She remembers being curious about analog recorders at a very early age - possibly sparking the interest she grew to have in EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomena). She began studying this aspect of the paranormal in 1992 and became a certified EVP analyst in 2008.
She eventually became the founding member of Voices Through the Static EVP Research and Kindred Spirits Paranormal, as well as the so. Wisconsin representative for the American Association of Paranormal Research.

North Wisconsin - Athena Markley
- Spirit Lake Paranormal Investigation Group
Each member of our group has had an experience with paranormal activities. Personally, I have had several U.F.O. sightings and many ghost sightings including: A ghost I saw with my sister and an unexplainable experience, where I had seen a disturbing "vision" or "dream". The next day (before I had told anyone) my brother said he saw the same "vision".  We believe that the truth and knowledge will take to the purpose of humans, gods, spirits, demons, ect. Also to understand the correlation of everything on earth and all that surrounds the earth.

Wyoming -

Paranormal NYC

©2004 American Association of Paranormal Research.